Ep. 45: Episode 45.5
This is a shortened version that we are naming "Episode 45.5". We had some technical difficulties where we lost most of Bobbi's audio. It was too good to pass up though! If you would like to hear the rest of the episode join us on our Patreon! Never fear though a thorough recap occurs on the next episode! But know the full episode is quite good!
Dungeon Master-Henry Rogland @HenryRogland
Red-Dan Rogland @DanRogland
Katrina "Kitty" Bradley-Bobbi Kupfner @moontsunami
Herman Cranberry-Nathan Pearce @Rez_Dev_Nate
Treble-Jordan Fugitt @fugitt_jordan
Artwork: Ashley Meissner-Teran @Ashanimus
Intro Music: Alex Hills https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcA1NqWjVPrquUxJQxAXjw/featured
Editing: Jordan Fugitt @fugitt_jordan
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DialMforMagic
Twitter: @mformagiccast
Instagram: @dial_m_podcast
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*Content Warning* This and all episodes contain explicit language and humor directed at adults.