Ep. 1: Does this episode have any protein?
Welcome to the city of New Bastilon, where magic is outlawed and no one is happy about it. Come join us as we introduce our characters, meet NPCs, and make far more Letterkenny references than a D&D podcast probably should.
Check us out on Twitter: @mformagiccast
Check us out on Instagram: @dial_m_podcast
Herman Cranberry-Nathan Pearce @Rez_Dev_Nate
Red-Dan Rogland @DanRogland
Katrina "Kitty" Bradley-Bobbi Kupfner @moontsunami
Treble-Jordan Fugitt @fugitt_jordan
Dungeon Master-Henry Rogland @HenryRogland
Done by: Ashley Meissner-Teran @Ashanimus
Done by: Alex Hills https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcA1NqWjVPrquUxJQxAXjw/featured
Special Thanks to Eric and Debbie Fugitt